Scientific program
There will be 16 sessions with contributed and invited talks.
Please provide your presentation as .ppt or .pdf file at the registration on Sunday. We will also collect the presentation immediately before the respective session. Therefore, we kindly ask you to contact the chairmen before.
Length of talks (including time for discussion):
- Regular Talk: 17+3 min
- Invited Talk: 25+5 min
- Plenary Talk: 45+5 min
We will have two poster sessions on Monday and Tuesday. Due to the high number of contributions, which had been submitted as talk, we had to shift several presentations to the poster sessions. Note that there is no difference in the scientific quality between talk and poster presentation.
Please hang the posters up during lunch time or directly before the poster session. Don't forget to take your poster with you after the poster session.
Format of posters:
- Portrait: maximum size DIN A0, i.e. 841mm x 1189mm (width x heigth)
During the Poster sessions we will have a bavarian “Brotzeit” including beverages.
Student prize
Note that we will award prizes for high-level poster and talk contributions presented by students.
Invited talks
- James Sullivan, Australia
- Roland Würschum, Austria
- Jan Kuriplach, Czech Republic
- Ilja Makkonen, Finland
- Filip Tuomisto, Finland
- Marie-France Barthe, France
- Christian Piochacz, Germany
- Werner Egger, Germany
- Jochen Mannhart (plenary), Germany
- Klaus Rätzke, Germany
- Reinahrd Krause-Rehberg, Germany
- Andreas Wagner, Germany
- Roberto Brusa, Italy
- Rafael Ferragut, Italy
- Yasuyoshi Nagai, Japan
- Akira Uedono, Japan
- Masanori Fujinami, Japan
- Toshio Hyodo (plenary), Japan
- Yasuyuki Nagashima, Japan
- Yuki Fukaya, Japan
- Stephan Eijt, Netherlands
- David Keeble, UK
- Setphen Dugdale, UK
- David Cassidy, USA
- Hui Chen, USA
- Cliff Surko (plenary), USA
- Allen Mills (plenary), USA